Tag: salvation

Scripture is not essential to salvation

Scripture is not essential to salvation Scripture is not essential to salvation

Section 2B of Traditional Quaker Christianity asks “Are the Scriptures essential to salvation?” and it answers “no, Scripture is not essential to salvation.” Uh oh, them’s fightin’ words? This is a good example of why many describe Conservative Friends as the “middle” in Quakerism. Because really? This is a topic where Quakers vary heavily. Evangelical Quakers would […]

Quaker beliefs about atonement

Quaker beliefs about atonement episode 3, quaker beliefs about atonement

Today we discuss Quaker beliefs about atonement and salvation through obedience to the promptings of the Light. This is section 1C in the book Traditional Quaker Christianity. Universalism: “Christ tasted death for every man ” and “the Light enlightens every man that comes into the world.” The Light is available to all, and the Holy Spirit […]